
As a Catholic school, we strive to foster the values of love, respect, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation and justice. These Christian values are integral when promoting positive behaviour and challenging inappropriate behaviour. The safety and wellbeing of all school community members is paramount. We endeavour to provide a calm, gentle and respectful school environment that allows schooling to take place in the best possible circumstances. We expect our students to allow their teachers to teach and their classmates to learn. We seek ways to encourage and empower students to achieve their potential.

Social and Emotional Learning (S.E.L.) promotes self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. S.E.L. and restorative practices guide students to behave appropriately, develop and maintain positive relationships and enable personal growth.

Student Support Programs:

  • Our Buddy program develops relationships across the school. New Foundation students are allocated a Year 5 student as their buddy, during their kindergarten transition visits. The senior children support their buddies through the transition to school and they participate in a range of learning activities together. This special relationship continues throughout Year 1, until the older buddies move on to secondary school.
  • Support services such Scope Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapist and a visiting Psychologist provide support for students. Our school also works intensively with student support services through Catholic Education Office Melbourne.
  • Transition programs. We conduct intensive transition programs with local kindergarten agencies and pride ourselves on the relationship we have with Alexandra Secondary College in preparing students for secondary education.