Education in Faith

Formation in faith is a lifelong journey. As parents are the primary educators of their children in faith, we strive to support them in this process.

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School educates students in the Catholic faith traditions whilst acknowledging and respecting other religious traditions. Opportunities for faith education are provided for all students through the formal Religious Education curriculum. Students explore the Scriptures, symbols, traditions and the lives of significant people within the church to deepen their knowledge, understanding and faith.

Religious Education permeates our learning and teaching program, contextualised within contemporary social issues and the life experience of our students. We encourage students to make real connections as they come to know about themselves, the world, Christ and his teachings.

Liturgical Celebrations

The school community celebrates and expresses its Catholic beliefs and practices through prayer and the celebration of formal and informal liturgies. Classes attend weekly Masses on a rotational basis. Members of the school community are invited to join the celebration and students are encouraged to be active participants.

The Sacramental Program

Every alternate year (odd years), Years 3 and 4 prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Classroom teachers prepare students to receive these sacraments. During the alternate year (even years), Year 5 and Year 6 classes prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

St Mary’s Parish Community

Our Parish Priest is Father Vinh Nguyen. School-parish links are valued by both parties. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend liturgical celebrations held at either the school or church. Our first Mass for the school year is held on a Sunday so that both the school and parish community celebrate together.

Mary MacKillop and the Josephites

“Never see a need without doing something about it.” St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School was founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1953. As Mary MacKillop led a life of service, we promote and encourage student involvement in social justice activities. A student-created mosaic of Mary MacKillop welcomes you at the front entrance to the school administration block.