
School Advisory Board

Our School Advisory Board works in close partnership with the Principal and plays a key role in managing school operations and setting the strategic direction for our school.

The School Advisory Board members have accepted and adopted the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Develop, implement and regularly evaluate the school Vision and Mission Statements
  • Formulate, develop and review school policies
  • Maintain facilities and plant
  • Future planning for the school
  • Work in collaboration with the Parents’ and Friends’ Auxiliary
  • Finance – assist the Principal in setting fees & levies, etc.
  • Welcome new members to the school community
  • Promote Catholic Education locally
  • Support the school’s staff and programs
  • Report to the school community
  • Engage the community in the school’s curriculum
  • Induct new School Advisory Board members
  • Engage in personal and professional development

In summary, St. Mary’s Advisory Board focuses on being affirmative, constructive and positive. In so doing, all energies will be directed towards decisions and activities which benefit our children and ultimately the entire school community.

St. Mary’s Parents’ and Friends’ Auxiliary

This group does outstanding work on behalf of all children. The members are a generous group of people who work hard to support the school, including major fundraising, subsidising camps and excursions, school community events and care packages for families facing personal challenges, such as a recent bereavement.

New members are very welcome and all parents are invited to attend informal meetings which are held regularly throughout the year. Meeting times and dates are advised through the school newsletter.

For further information about our Auxiliary, or how you can help out, please contact the Auxiliary President via

Student Representative Committee

Each term, classes nominate a class representative to participate in our Student Representative Committee (SRC). The SRC meets weekly to plan events and initiatives for the school community, such as fundraising for school events and charitable organisations, activity days aimed at raising awareness about health and wellbeing issues and student fun activity days.

School and Community Partnerships

At St. Mary’s we work to build strong working partnerships with the broader community of Alexandra and the Murrindindi Shire. Local community organisations and groups are an essential part of creating strong rural and regional communities. Working in partnership with others to strengthen our community is also a core belief of education in the Catholic tradition. Some examples of the community groups we have worked with recently are the Outdoor Education Group, Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and Berry Street.


A subcommittee of our Parents’ and Friends’ Auxiliary run the Tuckshop most Fridays. The Tuckshop menu can be found here.
